
The Importance of Automation in Telecom

Automation has always been a key trend in the telecommunications industry, initially focused on automating simple tasks through software tools. However, today's telecom operations require much more sophisticated automation, driven by the need to migrate applications and workloads to the cloud. As CSPs transition to cloud-native, modular, and standards-based software solutions, they are reaching a tipping point where higher levels of automation are not just beneficial but necessary for sustaining growth.

Dean Ramsay, Principal Analyst at TMForum, highlighted that while traditional operations within CSPs have been complex due to legacy IT systems, there is now a strong push towards automating both internal processes and the interactions between CSPs and external partners. This shift is essential for enabling new service models and growth in both B2B and B2C markets.

Overcoming Legacy Challenges

Vincenzo Procopio discussed Telia's approach to automation, which focuses on enabling enterprise customers to consume APIs for various services, such as triggering fulfillment and activation processes. Telia's strategy involves adopting the open digital architecture and exposing TMForum APIs to streamline these processes. However, Procopio emphasized the challenge of maintaining these integrations, particularly when dealing with diverse customer needs. To address this, Telia is working on scalable solutions that simplify the integration of customer-specific interfaces with Telia's standardized API framework.

One of the significant challenges highlighted in the webinar was the complexity posed by legacy systems. Many CSPs are burdened with outdated IT infrastructure, making the task of automating processes particularly challenging. Procopio noted that while Telia has made significant progress, particularly in areas like service assurance, there is still much work to be done. For instance, in their mobile network, Telia handles 50,000 alerts per month, of which 27,000 are automatically resolved, but there is still a considerable amount of manual intervention required.

The Role of Data Governance in Automation

Automation is heavily dependent on the quality of data. Inconsistent or inaccurate data can severely hamper the effectiveness of automated processes. Procopio acknowledged this, stating that Telia's approach involves federating data across different systems and focusing on clean, consistent data as a foundation for successful automation. The goal is to build new customer and product data in the target stack while managing legacy data effectively.

Ecosystem Integration and the Future of CSP Services

As CSPs evolve, the integration with external ecosystems becomes increasingly important. Erkka Heinola from ONEiO emphasized the need for effective collaboration between CSPs and their partners. The traditional approach of building integrations from scratch is no longer viable due to the complexity and time required. Instead, Heinola advocates for a model where CSPs can interact seamlessly with partners through standardized APIs and integration layers that adapt to different systems.

This approach is crucial for CSPs looking to offer new services like Network as a Service (NaaS) and 5G network slicing. These services require a high level of automation and integration, allowing CSPs to offer tailored solutions to enterprise customers. Procopio highlighted that Telia is already working on trials in Sweden for 5G network slicing, a move that will significantly enhance the flexibility and capabilities of their services.

Expanding Automation to SMB Markets

While much of the focus has been on large enterprises, there is also a growing interest in extending automation to small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Both Procopio and Heinola acknowledged the challenges and opportunities in this space. For SMBs, the traditional lengthy integration projects are not feasible, but with advancements in automation technology, such as ONEiO's integration robots, it is becoming possible to offer automated services to this market segment as well.

The Road Ahead: Becoming Truly Digital

Looking forward, both Telia and ONEiO are committed to furthering their automation strategies. Procopio outlined Telia's ambition to become truly digital, focusing on cost efficiency, customer experience, and ease of interaction. Meanwhile, ONEiO is investing in developing standardized endpoint types to facilitate quicker and easier integrations, reducing the time to value for CSPs and their customers.

The next 12 months will be crucial as CSPs like Telia and service providers like ONEiO continue to push the boundaries of automation, making it a cornerstone of telecom operations and customer interactions. The goal is clear: to create a more efficient, responsive, and scalable telecommunications industry ready to meet the demands of the future.

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